Agave-sanpedroensis tryptich-1 Burger-with-Copiapoa-dealbata tryptich-3 Copiapoa-cinerea-subs.-Columna-alba s.-gummosus-bud Eriosyce photo-2 fire-barrel cactus image cactus agave-victoriana succulent cactus or succulent generic cactus or cool cactus opuntia another great image of a succulent cactus tryptich succulent rock country

Seed Depot

S. gummosus bud

The Propagation Education Group (PEG) sells seeds for $1.00 per packet at each of its meetings. Check out the current list of seeds.

If you DONATE seeds at the same time you PURCHASE seeds from the Seed Depot, you get a 50% discount (50c per packet instead of $1 per packet!).

To make seed donations use this form. The Seed Depot will NOT be able to accept seed donations without this form.

NOTE all seed donated must be CLEAN and separated from the rest of the fruit/pulp/juice and dry. A filled out Seed Donation Form must accompany each packet of seeds.
