Agave-sanpedroensis tryptich-1 Burger-with-Copiapoa-dealbata tryptich-3 Copiapoa-cinerea-subs.-Columna-alba s.-gummosus-bud Eriosyce photo-2 fire-barrel cactus image cactus agave-victoriana succulent cactus or succulent generic cactus or cool cactus opuntia another great image of a succulent cactus tryptich succulent rock country

The Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society

General Meeting: September 15, 2024
2:00pm, doors open 12:30pm
Desert Botanical Garden—Dorrance Hall

Lee Brownson

Garden On The Move: Moving the H.B. Wallace Desert Garden

Five years to complete the process of digging up, transporting and planting 5,500+ cacti, succulents, bushes and trees.
