Agave-sanpedroensis tryptich-1 Burger-with-Copiapoa-dealbata tryptich-3 Copiapoa-cinerea-subs.-Columna-alba s.-gummosus-bud Eriosyce photo-2 fire-barrel cactus image cactus agave-victoriana succulent cactus or succulent generic cactus or cool cactus opuntia another great image of a succulent cactus tryptich succulent rock country

The Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society


Sunday, November 17th, 2024, Papago Buttes Church, 2450 N. 64th St., Scottsdale

Come at 1:30 p.m. for socializing and to bid on plants.

Greg will take you on a journey of Baja California through the eyes of the genus ferocactus, which grows in a wide range of elevations, from near sea level to around 6,000 feet elevation. They are found in sandy soil near the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California, to the rock crevices in the mountains throughout the peninsula.
