Agave-sanpedroensis tryptich-1 Burger-with-Copiapoa-dealbata tryptich-3 Copiapoa-cinerea-subs.-Columna-alba s.-gummosus-bud Eriosyce photo-2 fire-barrel cactus image cactus agave-victoriana succulent cactus or succulent generic cactus or cool cactus opuntia another great image of a succulent cactus tryptich succulent rock country

Subject Matter Experts

Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society logo

Subject Matter Experts 8/19/24

Tristan Davis

Manages the Seed Depot. Specializations include plant propagation, and chairs the PEG (Propagation Education Group).

Doug Dawson

Specializations include growing from seed, flora of Namibia, Lithops, other Mesembs, Melocactus, miniature cacti and succulents of Arizona.

Tom Gatz

Specializations include Adenium, Agave and growing succulent trees as bonsai (Bursera, Portulacaria, Ficus, Operculicarya, Pachycormus, etc.)

Eric Lundberg

Specialization in horticulture including soils, potting media, watering, fertilization, and light. Plant placement and construction methods for optimizing growing environment.

Dean Patrick

Specialization in softwood stem-cuttings, plant division and seed starting for cacti, agave and aloe.
