Award-Winning Plants 2017-2022
These articles are about the growing of plants that won the highest honors at the
CACSS Annual Show. No articles for 2020, 2021 and 2022 due to not having shows
during COVID.
- Adenium ‘Mini’ by Dan Smith, 12/18, page 6
- Adenium ‘Mini-star’ by Dan Smith,12/19, page 8
- Adromischus maculatus by Sue Hakala, 12/18, page 9
- Agave victoriae-reginae by Sue Hakala, 6/18, page 15
- Aloe by Cindy Capek, 11/19, page 9
- Aloe descoingsii by Brenna Wasson, 10/17, page 7
- Aloe dorotheae by Lauren Marks, 8/18, page 9
- Aloe hybrid ‘Blizzard’ by Bonnie Scott, 1/18, page 7
- Aloe melanacantha var. erinacea by Thom Young, 7/18, page 5
- Ariocarpus fissuratus var. lloydii by Pam Edsall, 10/18, page 6
- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. elephantidens by Scott McMahon, 8/19, page 9
- Astrophytum caput-medusa seedling by Ken Luiten, 10/19, page 7
- Browingia sp. by Johnny Briggs, 9/19, page 7
- Cereus peruvianus f. monstrose by Ken Luiten, 9/18, page 10
- Conophytum collection by Cliff Fielding, 6/18, page 13
- Conophytum marginatum by Cliff Fielding, 12/19, page 7
- Copiapoa collection by Cliff Fielding, 9/19, page 8
- Copiapoa tenuissima monstrose by Scott McMahon, 12/17, page 10
- Cyphostemma cv. ‘Fat Bastard,’ by George Kazaka, 8/18, page 10
- Dudleya greenii ‘Anacapa’ by Sue Tyrrel, 10/19, page 9
- Echeveria sp. by Nils Kindgren, 1/18, page 11
- Echinobivia ‘Rainbow Bursts’ by Tom Briggs, 8/19, page 8
- Echinocereus pacificus by Pam Edsall, 11/18, page 16
- Echinocereus pacificus by Pam Edsall, 6/18, page 14
- Echinocereus pacificus by Pam Edsall, 11/17, page 4
- Epiphytic cactus by Ken Luiten, 10/18, page 7
- Epithelantha micromeris v. greggii by Steve Plath, 9/17, page 15
- Escobaria robbinsorum by Cliff Fielding, 11/19, page 11
- Escobaria robbinsorum by Cliff Fielding, 11/18, page 14
- Euphorbia decaryi var. gulliminiana by Loran Rodewald, 9/17, page 14
- Euphorbia francoisii by Julie Plath, 2/18, page 11
- Euphorbia gymnocalycioides by Scott McMahon, 10/19, page 10
- Euphorbia horrida by Gard Roper, 8/17, page 7
- Euphorbia knuthii by Mike Gallagher, 7/17, page 14
- Ferocactus acanthodes by Sue Hakala, 8/19 page 10
- Fouquieria fasciculata by Steve Plath, 2/18, page 13
- Gasteria by Wendy Barrett, 9/18, page 19
- Gasteria armstrongii by Pam Edsall, 7/18, page 7
- Gasteria armstrongii by Pam Edsall, 11/17, page 5
- Gasteria brachyphylla by Janet Karasz, 11/19, page 10
- Gasteria ‘Ox Tongue’ by Elaine Hu, 6/19, page 8
- Glottiphyllum nelii by Mike Gallagher, 12/17, page 11
- Haworthia koelmaniorum by Pam Edsall, 6/19, page 10
- Haworthia limifolia striata by Rich Zeh, 1/18, page 13
- Haworthia pumila by Claudia Helfgott, 8/18, page 11
- Jatropha cuneata by Wendy Barrett, 12/18, page 7
- Lithops sp. by Cliff Fielding, 1/18, page 15
- Lithops sp. by Johnny Briggs, 7/19, page 9
- Lithops hookeri by Cliff Fielding, 9/18, page 11
- Lithops leslieii by Danny Briggs, 5/18, page 12
- Mammillaria albilanata by Steve and Julie Plath, 1/18, page 11
- Mammillaria magnifica by Sue Hakala, 12/17, page 12
- Mammillaria mazatlanensis by Pam Edsall, 7/19, page 10
- Mammillaria petterssonii var. saltensis by Sue Hakala, 11/18, page
- Mammillaria spinosissima cv. ‘Un Pico’ by Marianna Hancin, 6/19, page 9
- Melocactus matanzanus monstrose by Tom Briggs, 7/18, page 6
- Obregonia denegrii by Ryan Watson, 10/17, page 6
- Parodia columnaris by Scott McMahon, 9/19, page 9
- Parodia scopa ssp. murielle by Sue Hakala, 7/17, page 15
- Stenocereus griseus by Johnny Briggs, 5/18, page 13
- Tephrocactus bonnieae by Sue Hakala, 9/18, page 12
- Tephrocactus weberi by Lois Schneberger, 8/17, page 8
- Tourmeya papyracantha by Anthony Wray, 7/19, page 8
- Welwitschia mirabilis by Dan Smith, 1/18, page 8